Laida |
there is a lot to know about me. That's why I would be very happy, if you'd become my new godparent. Giving me to someone is also a very unique gift idea. Perhaps you like to make me a gift for someone else, to spread the idea of "oneness" to the world. | Don't worry about my trip to you, even long distances are easy for me to master in my small waterpipe. My 'godparentship'-pass and 'how to care'-descriptions are also coming along, that's all I'll need to grow and flourish.
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Laida Kanoak Urdaibaiko Parke Naturalean Jaitsierak eta ibilbideak kanoaz, piraguaz, oinez, bizikletaz, itsasontsiz, ... Gernikako itsasadarrean. Laidako hondartzan gaude, Bizkaiko kostako hareatzarik zabalenean. Padura hauek Urdaibaiko Parke Naturalaren barruan daude, UNESCOk 1984an Biosferako Erreserba izendatutako parajean. | La Ida Inmobiliaria hispano inglesa. Situación, entorno y contacto. | Maybe you will also find there helpful information on Laida
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