Ofi |
I do like other plants very much, and you may place me almost anywhere. That's why I would be very happy, if you'd become my new godparent. Giving me to someone is also an very personal gift idea. A lot of my sisters have already been given away as a gift before, and have caused a lot of delightful moments. | My journey to you, or your loved ones, I will start well taken care of with plenty of water and greetings.

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OFI Testing Equipment Inc. Provides range of testing instruments, reagents, accessories, and supplies for the drilling fluids, cementing, and wastewater industries. Site includes detailed product and application information. | Ofis ar brezhoneg Termeniñ ha seveniñ an obererezhioù a ranker kas da benn evit brudañ ha kas ar brezhoneg war-raok war bep tachenn eus ar vuhez sokial ha foran eo pal Ofis ar Brezhoneg. | Maybe you will also find there helpful information on Ofi
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